Starting from 1st Fabruary 2015 SOPHi@webinar platform has been moved to CHEETAH webinar platform



Scientific / Technical Project Officer at
European Commission JRC-Joint Research Centre Ispra, Italy

Short Bio

Giorgio BARDIZZA studied physics at  University of Milano specializing in nanomaterials for energy applications. During his PhD he worked at LIOS – Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells where he started working with OPV devices. Two years ago he joined the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. There he is currently a scientist responsible for new-type thin film PV devices calibration and specializing in the measurement of emerging OPV and DSSC devices

External Links

Upcoming Webinar


Past Webinar

Ageing tests of OPV devices at ESTI: facing issues and criticalities
Webinar: OPV Testing and Existing Standards