Starting from 1st Fabruary 2015 SOPHi@webinar platform has been moved to CHEETAH webinar platform



Scientific / Technical Project Officer
JRC-Joint Research Centre Ispra
Unit 7 -  Renewables and Energy Efficiency

Short Bio

Harald Müllejans studied physics at RWTH Aachen (Germany) and at Cambridge University (UK) specializing in solid state physics. After receiving his PhD he worked for five years at the Max-Planck-Institute for Metals Research (Stuttgart, Germany) before joining the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. There he is currently a principal scientist responsible for PV device calibration and specializing in the measurement of PV device performance

E-mail:  harald.muellejans(at)

External Links

Upcoming Webinar


Past Webinar

Topic 1: Uncertainty of Pmax calibration of PV modules
Webinar: Uncertainty Estimations of PV Outdoor Measurements